CLUE-H is Launched in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 22 September 2022

CLUE-H is Launched in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 22 September 2022

How much are we exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields? How is our electromagnetic environment changing with the introduction of new wireless technologies, in particular 5G? Is there any impact on our health and the environment?

These questions will be answered over the next five years by the European Research Cluster on EMF and Health (CLUE-H), which was officially launched on 22th September 2022, with a kick-off meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The CLUE-H network involves more than 70 European research organisations in four research consortia (ETAIN, GOLIAT, NextGEM, SEAWave), with additional contribution from scientists in the USA, Korea and Japan. The total funding will amount to more than €29 million from the Horizon Europe 2021-2027.

The results are expected to fill the knowledge gaps that exist regarding the impact of wireless technologies on health and the environment. They will be essential in ensuring a safe deployment and use of future wireless networks which will benefit citizens and society, for example in health, transport, e-government and smart cities.

The next BioEM 2024 will take place in Crete, Greece

The next BioEM 2024 will take place in Crete, Greece

The International Conference in the field of BioElectromagnetics (BioEM2024) will be held in Chania, Crete, between the 16th – 21st of June 2024. The NextGEM project Coordinator, Nikolaos Petroulakis, PhD, will be the chair of the local organizing committee, supported by the NextGEM project and ICS-FORTH.